Rhinebeck Bus Trip 2014

Friday, December 27, 2013

Friday (even though it feels like some other day!)

I have no motivation to work today.

All I want to do is search for (knitting) patterns, buy all of the patterns I like and then search for the perfect yarn for those patterns and buy it.  All the patterns, all the yarn, all at once. Oh, and then I want to knit all of those patterns (all at once)!

You may have guessed the problem with this wonderful idea...my budget.  It's just after Christmas (although, really, it's the third day of Christmas...), so that means that I'm broke.  There is no large amount of money in my budget for patterns and yarn.  Sigh.

Maybe I should stick to finishing one of the projects I'm currently working on?

Here's a picture of me & my co-worker/friend.  We are both unmotivated today.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! I hope you get some yarn for your birthday or some other occasion.
